dissabte, 30 d’abril del 2016

Noticias que el alarmismo climático no quiere que leas

Las sequías no están empeorando y no están causando guerras

CLIMATE RESEARCH.- Claims that droughts are getting worse are not supported in the scientific literature. This is true for both on a global level and for the UK, where historical records indicate much longer and more severe droughts occurred long before human carbon dioxide emissions became significant.

Moreover, claims that “climate change” was behind the conflicts in Darfur and Syria are shown to be based on highly partisan scientific studies that ignore a host of conflicting evidence.

Andrew Montford, the author of the paper said:

“Records of drought provide very little support for the idea that dry places are getting drier and this is true both of the UK and the world as a whole. Still, green activists are never going to spurn the opportunity to exploit every failure of the rains by blaming it on climate change.”

“Droughts are bad news for those who have to endure them. But for politicians to indulge environmentalists’ wild claims is dishonest.”
Texto íntegrp (pdf): Parched Earth Policy: Drought, Heatwave and Conflict

 La actividad volcánica explica mejor el cambio climático que el CO2

NoTricksZone.- ...Anthropogenic CO2 emissions were flat and low (~1 GtC [gigatons carbon] per year) during the 1915 to 1945 warming period, and they rose dramatically (up to ~5 GtC per year) between the 1940s and 1970s. This means that as CO2 emissions increased significantly, surface temperatures cooled significantly (1940s to 1970s) – the opposite of what should have been occurring if rising CO2 emissions are largely responsible for global warming.

A more recent depiction of large-scale volcanic eruptions for the last 1,500 years comes from a new paper (Liu et al., 2016) linking global-scale precipitation patterns (monsoons) to large volcanic eruptions. Notice that the dramatic post-Medieval Warm Period centennial-scale ocean cooling described above (Rosenthal et al., 2013, Ocean2k) corresponds closely with frequent clusters of volcanic eruptions. Also, notice how volcanically quiescent the last 80 years of the 20th century have been, which has, on net, allowed more solar radiation to heat the oceans and contribute to global warming.
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Las eurpciones volcánicas facilitaron el desarrollo del imperio romano

NEW SCIENTIST.- You won’t find it in history textbooks, but the Roman Empire’s rise to dominance in Egypt and the Middle East may have been influenced by a series of volcanic eruptions that reduced rainfall.

These eruptions could have contributed to the sabotage and destruction of the Ptolemaic Kingdom on the Nile, paving the way for the rise of Cleopatra and the Roman Empire – and, ultimately, the modern Western world.

The Ptolemaic Kingdom ruled Egypt and North Africa in the final three centuries BC, known as the Hellenistic period. Now, teamwork between volcanologists and historians has revealed a close match in timing between volcanic eruptions and domestic unrest, revolts and uprisings that led to the kingdom’s downfall.
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