dissabte, 17 de setembre del 2016

Trump emerge en el centro

Cuando faltan menos de dos meses para las elecciones presidenciales en Estados Unidos, el incendiario candidato republicano Donald Trump parece moderarse. En la última semana, su campaña se ha reorientando hacia el centro, para disputar a Hillary Clinton esa franja electoral que le puede ser decisiva. Así, le hemos visto aceptar que Obama nació en EEUU y que romperá las recién estrenadas relaciones diplomáticas con Cuba sólo sólo si no hay avances hacia la democracia en la isla. Pero, sobre todo, lo más importante ha sido la concreción de su programa económico, que se ha vuelto más reaganiano y menos proteccionista.

THE NEW YORK POST.- Yes, Trump was light on the specifics of how he was going to pay for some of his promises, like child-tax credits and infrastructure investments. And of course no Trump address on the economy would be complete without an obligatory and nonsensical attack on free trade — sure enough he mentioned a possible trade war with China and how he’ll renegotiate NAFTA.

Luckily, he kept much of his trade nonsense to a minimum, and instead offered a stirring, largely Reaganesque vision of America’s economic future where he would cut taxes ($4.4 trillion of them) and simplify the tax code (from seven to just three brackets).

He would also lower our onerous corporate tax rate to 15 percent, making the United States more competitive globally, and cut job-killing regulations that squeeze corporate profits and cost jobs.

It was a stark contrast to the policies of the past eight years, which Clinton vows to repeat and build upon.

“My opponent’s plan . . . offers only more taxing, regulating, more spending and more wealth redistribution — a future of slow growth, declining incomes and dwindling prosperity,” Trump said. “If we lower our taxes, remove destructive regulations, unleash the vast treasure of American energy and negotiate trade deals that put America first, then there is no limit to the number of jobs we can create and the amount of prosperity we can unleash . . . Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, America will become the world’s great magnet for innovation and job creation.”

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